viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010

Right side profile

No verbal - Have consciousness about the things, but can't link the things with words.

Synthetic -  Make groups to order a whole.

Concretionary - Understand the information as is, in the moment.

Analogic - Distinguishes the similarities, understand the methaphorical relations.

Timeless -  Don't have sense of the time.

Irrational -  Doesn't need a fact to take a decision.

Spatial - Can see the objects as it and how to combine to make a whole.

Intuitive - Had flash inspirations based on incomplete patterns, clues, visual images or even hunches. 

In fact the right side of the brain is more involved with the creative thought. The people that have more developed this hemisphere are more creative, like in the arts, music, as inventors, etc. A few examples of people with this hemisphere more developed are this.

Ludwig van Beethoven - Even he was completely deaf, he was the most important compositors of our millenium, the best songs ever created, were Fur Elise and Moonlight Sonata, both of this amazing compositor, that being deef was not an disability to create beatiful music.*Y52nqqioJV*g_/ludwig_van_beethoven.jpg

 Thomas Alva Edison - In order to be a great invertor, you need alot of imagination, no one despic more this creativeness that Thomas Edison, who most known invention is the light bulb, and the phonograph. 


If they were not right side dominants maybe they can get the imagination to create beatiful music or change the life of the whole world with a light bulb.

In fact if you are very creative and imaginative you can became like the two previously right side people, and if you persevering you can reach the glory that Beethoven or Edison reach.

Here is Moonlight sonata if you want to hear it.

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