viernes, 1 de octubre de 2010


There is no real correlation between been a left side dominant and be smart or been a right side dominant one and be creative.

The only thing that matter is to do that you want to do, nothing more care, if you want something just fight for it, don't get intimidated for what people says. 

He is Lance Armstrong a road cyclist he is my hero, he fits perfectly in the example of fight for what you want, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer with spread in the lungs, the abdomen and the brain, he recover of all the cancers, and started again with the road cyclist races, in 1999 after just a few years of his recover, he won the Tour de France, the most important race in road cycling.

Summarizing just do what you want, never will care if you are left side dominant or right side dominant.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello! your blog is very good and interesting, information to me explained very well the functioning of each hemisphere of our brain. Good job.
